Welcome to Willowbrook Ice Arena
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 6:00a-11p
Saturday-Sunday 7:30a-11p

See Rink Schedule here. Any slot that is white or yellow is open for purchase. Payment is due upon booking. All sales are final. Renters and their guests understand the risks associated with skating and/or hockey and will not hold Willowbrook Ice Arena responsible for any injury that may result from participation.
Refund Policy: Learn to Skate Classes/Youth Hockey - Should a client decide after completion of ONE class they would like to drop from the session, a pro-rated refund of the program dues will be granted. A $20 processing fee will be charged. After two classes have been attended NO refunds will be given. After the third week of the session NO refunds will be given even if no classes were attended. Ice Rental - No refunds. Punchcards - No refunds. Expire one year from date of purchase. Are non-transferrable.