Public skaters holding hands

Public Skate at Willowbrook Ice Arena 

Try ice skating for the first time or practice your ice-skating skills!

Public Skate hours: November-May

Times are subject to change...verify on our live Daily Calendar before coming to the rink

Fridays 7:15 - 8:45pm

Sundays 1:30-3pm

Public Skate Prices

Admission for all ages: $8

Skate Rental: $4

*We do not provide helmet rentals. Walkers are limited.

*Ice skating involves some risk. All participants assume the risks of person injury which ay result. Participants will not hold Willowbrook Ice Arena liable for injuries obtained through participation. Participant understands and agrees that public skating on ice have physical dangers which may result in serious injury. 

PLEASE NOTE: Open Freestyle (shown in Pink on the calendar) is NOT a public skate. Open Freestyle is for Competitive Skaters to take lessons with coaches.

Public Skate Rules 

  • Please skate in a counter-clockwise direction and with the flow of skaters at all times.
  • Control your speed, giving the right of way to those in front of you. Weaving in and out of other skaters is prohibited.
  • Sitting on the boards is prohibited.
  • Carrying children, hanging on to others, or creating trains is prohibited.
  • Playing tag or tossing clothes or other objects is prohibited.
  • Walkers can only be used by novice skaters in the beginner skating area. No advanced skaters may use walkers.
  • Throwing debris or spitting on the ice is prohibited. Profanity and abusive behavior is not allowed.
  • Hockey sticks or pucks are not allowed on the ice during public skate.
  • Only individuals with skates are allowed on the ice.
  • No shoes permitted on the rink surface.
  • Skating under the influence of drugs or alcohol is prohibited.
  • Electronic devices and cell phones may not be used while on the ice. If taking a picture, please stop skating and move to the edge of the rink.
  • Food or drink is not allowed on the ice.
  • Rink guards may issue time outs to anyone who repeatedly violates rules. Severe infractions may result in suspension from facility use.
  • Rules are subject to change; all rules are not listed. Any behavior deemed unsafe or inappropriate will not be tolerated.
  • Ice skating involves some risk. Willowbrook Ice Arena is not liable for any injuries that may result from this activity.
  • Please be considerate of one another’s health and safety and act accordingly